
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The enema procedure - so many benefits

<-! infolinks_on="" -=""> Cleaning the colon is a biological necessity ages and nonprofits. Awareness of the health benefits produced by an enema of success led to major advances in the procedure. What was once an elitist and sometimes embarrassing procedure is now an accepted minimally invasive procedure that can improve patient's overall physical and mental.
The first reference to an enema procedure has been dated to 1500 BC The Egyptians described the use of emetics, purgatives, enemas, diuretics, and diaphoretic with details such as the reader wonders how time the cleaning process has evolved. While the Egyptians were ahead of their time that the descriptions included the use of suppositories, recipes, spells, poultices, plasters, hemlock, castor oil, opium and even useful in the cleaning process colon.
A new look at the ancient tribes along the Amazon, the tribes of Central Africa and even in remote sections of Asia reveals the administration of enemas tribal religious leaders. In fact, the enemas were an important part of Taoist training programs and later in Indian education programs.
The founding fathers of Western medicine, Hippocrates, Galen and Paracelsus all described, practiced and prescribed the use of colon cleansing procedures. Robert Bentley and Henry Trimen describes the use of enemas and herbal medicinal plants in his book in 1880.
In the U.S., colon cleansing is still a cumbersome procedure required, but in the 20th century. At the end of the century, patients, doctors and health insurers have begun to recognize the many benefits of colon cleansing.
However, the colon is an organ of the body formidable. The typical colon is about five feet long and about 2.5 centimeters in diameter. The colon at the end of the human digestive tract or large intestine, whose function is to conserve water in the body and dispose of the body. According to the physical configuration of the individual, the colon can contain 10 to 25 pounds of fecal matter.
With everything you need to release the substance, use of enemas and colonic irrigation can help several body systems are affected by poor bowel mechanics. Often the bowel function is a victim of unwise lifestyles, poor diet, alcohol or medication.
Cleansing colon hydrotherapy prevents disease by destroying anaerobic microorganisms. Hot water used in this treatment calms the nervous system, while the enema to clear parasites. Colon hydrotherapy applied correctly can eliminate up to 30 pounds of dried fecal matter. The results of stimulation of the immune system and restore proper pH balance in the body.
Enimas organic coffee is a way to cleanse the colon and detoxify the liver. Concentrated organic coffee and especially lightly toasted with its high content of caffeine is an excellent enema is very stimulating in the colon, while calming the nervous system.
Enemas using wheat grass juice fresh wheatgrass to stimulate the liver to perform. Wheatgrass nutrients enter the vein hemerrhoidal and circulate in the liver. Wheatgrass juice adding oxygen and energy to the body.
Other effective solutions catnip enema, aloe, lemon juice, garlic, spirulina and a variety of herbal enemas implants.
The steps involved in receiving and washing are:
- Choose a comfortable position that allows access to the anus.
- Lubricate the anus
- Allow the year to receive the tube
- Relax while the director becomes the flow
- Stay relaxed as possible and allow the enema to move as far as possible into the intestine
- When the stomach expands, hold the washing up as long as possible before evacuation
At the end of the washing, the receiver may feel relief and a feeling of euphoria. After a short break, cleaning should bring immediate benefits to health. After all, this is why humanity has been the improvement of the centuries.EnemaKit.com enema is a major source of information and advice on the benefits of having a procedure. Live a healthy life full longer. Visit online today class = "clear"> <-! infolinks_off="" -="">
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